Friday, September 12, 2008

Fucking Jerk

The problem with the current cabal in the genre is they don't know how to act professional toward writers who are in the small press right now. This is part of the video that is coming next here, the thing they failed to do is break my concentration. Well the new story is being hammered away right now titled Copyright Infringement, and it is one of those stories I needed to write because all the copyright infringement that is so freely practiced around the world wide web.
    Brian Keene is really the bugfuck crazy asshole here who harassed my grandmother damn it. Didn't he crank call the house when I was living at the apartment? Some of his joker friends decided to pull up my physical address at the apartment too.
    The recent postings that Keene did prove that he's just a jerk with some money now. What is he fapping about now? Fucker. How many backs did you step on to get where you are, and how many authors have you blackballed to get there. Before you focus on your career, maybe you should focus on your family and not worry about pissing down the backs of people who are getting the small press credits. The fact you turned this shit into a political game pissed me off, and the fact you actually encouraged people to pirate the non-fiction work just as it was done.
    I know who forced the original copy of the book. Someone who goes on as the e-mail address, who forced the book just as it was close to getting its first cover skin. I long redesigned the book, and then the asshole who goes on as some jackhole who pretended they wanted to get into my anthology just so they can grab up one of my stories as they were unfinished at the time. This jackhole appeared to publish a good part of I.O.W.A. on the asshole's website comment. You know that is copyright infringement right? Every asshole who bragged about pirating the book, or receiving a pirated book refused to come clean about it because I knew if they did they knew their career as a writer would be done.

I guess R.H. had the right idea with this jackhole from the very start. The Evil Fuck Squad had came back in full force, and this also includes Brian Smyth. Seeing what he's done it reminds me why I buy books from the self-released author. Brian Keene doesn't need your money. I am willing to bet that Brian Smyth added me on myspace just to keep tabs on me and been giving the private entries from the myspace journal to The Crusty Rail.