She's still fingerfucking herself with her dead brother's asshes. I guess she's mad because the company I notified about her domain, she said I was lying about my picture being stolen well I wasn't lying because I can throw up the very picture it was she used for the domain. You're not supposed to do that Rusty Nail. I guess you fucking your other personality in ExposeTheTard. Going around making snide remarks and driven to see me fail even when I have some minor success with a few short stories here and there. She's going to learn an expensive lesson not to practice defamation of character even the asshole who now owns Encyclopedia Dramatica been fucking his dead relatives in the process. I guess he thinks it's perfically fine to spread lies about someone in a public website, encouraging people to load up pictures of children too -- I am thinking people like him jump online contributing to people wanting to kill themselves. I guess the dead relative fuckers get off on that sort of thing.
Just because I jumped on video that doesn't mean Rusty Nail has to make my life a living hell everywhere else now. Rusty NAil do you have a life? I guess not and now it is time to take all your activity you do online to the place you work at. Is it worth getting yourself fired for doing this shit? It is things like this that make me not contribute to the Preditors & Editors legal fund. I guess she's beyond piss with the domain being non-functional -- suspended lady. Fuck you bitch, get a fucking life. You're 47 years old for fuck's sake. You acted like you never really got out of high school. That is why you don't want people owning my work unless it does get pirated, you're a fucking cunt who gets off on destroying people. You're a stalker for doing it.
The bitch said so herself in her own real website that she's unremarkable so she goes creating two shitty ass websites that smeared on people who've had made some solid accomplishments and doing so on their own terms. Face it lady, the Revolutionary War ended and you're starting to do the brits vs. Americans again all over again. Supporting authors on The Other Dark Place who proved themselves to be assholes. You're nothing but a shitheaded pissblogger. You know why you created to make sure I would never be able to get a domain in my own name and I noticed you gave Benny-Fag the same idea too. What are your biggest ambitions in life besides make my writing life a living hell. I am busy writing three manuscripts at once here and thinking which one to send off where, but as far as you fucks are concerned you are hellbent to throw a monkey wrench in each of those plans, and I also know that Black Death Books is ran by Todd Karen Koehler. They might claim that she's an employee but there are two employees there and they also run the place.
It seemed like when you're a writer, it seems like maturity among authors have gone out the window ie they hide behind fake names and fake pictures to start trouble with someone. I am not hiding behind fake names or a fake picture. One thing that drives me is my honesty. When I go video it is an extension to my honesty I have an easier time putting ideas to paper than I do when I go video. So there is nothing scripted there. Everything I do with my channel is very unscripted. Would be nice if they allowed longer videos though as in up to 30 minutes again.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Fuck off Beresford
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
10:15:00 PM
Fast Flushes: asshole commitee, go fuck yourself, observations, writing life, yellow journalism
Monday, April 28, 2008
finally... some progress
Here's the picture on the right with the piss blogger in question. She likes to get off on documenting my fail, but yeah she is going to FAIL in that I think. See the rant on Piss Bloggers & Yellow Journalists for the referrence.

Thank you for bringing this profile to our attention. The profile in question is scheduled to be removed.
The Rusty Nail is about to lose another profile, that's what happens when you impersonate me on myspace. Kiss your piss blog goodbye. Piss blogging bitch. Your wordpress is next. I also saw some loser who tried create a fake version of LAKE FOSSIL PRESS on myspace, they caught that too. I guess they're mad about the piss blogger address video. Seems like this is something ExposeTheTard would do. This is where you FAIL. Now I can concentrate on my manuscripts. If they want to force LAKE FOSSIL PRESS to go black it won't happen. That e-mail was from the myspace Admins. I guess you had your fun for a year Rusty Nail aka Jane Beresford.
The Rusty Liar is going to keep going, and so is ExposeTHeFUCKTARD. The only person who is looking like a fuck tard is them because they can't come up with content that is entirely their own. So they have to commit acts of plagiarisms. I guess the other dark circlejerk will continue their bullshit. I've been too busy writing to care, but looking to find a home for the manuscript I've been working on is going to be a challenge.
Rant on this for awhile you Welsh Dyke, your boyfriend can't keep you on a short leash. I guess that Jess needs to learn to keep his suckpuppet on a short leash once in awhile. Fuck'n asshole. I guess you get fucked in the ass by your dead brother-in-law. You must have fucked him in the ass and he got a heart attack. (I am talking about Rusty Nail's half decaying brother here, I guess they are both freaks like that. What can I say they are necrophiles.) I can't help if both of them like to fuck the dead, yeah I am talking about Plane Jane Beresford here aka eikomorikawa who must have multiple personality disorder because it is clear that she is ExposeTheTard because I am putting it all together because she is also Nikolai Palchevsky (a variation on my name because my first name is Greek and my last is Italian.)
The fact you became obsessed with me in every way that you want to document my every fail but when I suceed you try to throw a monkey wrench into when I have the success I am guessing your the bitch known whatever her handle is on yahoo and that is why I haven't added it because I started to figure out it is you. I will say this much the way you act online, it makes the terrorists from London appear like saints. You make the OK City bombers look like saints bitch.
By now I guess you're mad as hell. Fucking necrophile bitch. I linked that up just for more shockvalue, and I guess Bruncha Myers is involved with fucking the dead too. I guess the two of you corpse-fuckers should get together and have a coffee. Seeing you pissed off with your recent blog entry I am laughing my ass off. I didn't write this blog with hot head, just one that was pissed off enough by yours and exposethefucktard's antics. I knew that word for a long time and used it as an insult in chatrooms. Yeah I saw Ben McCullan's response to this insult, and basically the shit is hitting the fan on the rusty trombone's blog. She got burned by the necrophilia insult, I bet she's fingering herself using her brother's ashes too. I am not going to watermark her pictures because it isn't my style to do that but it might be hers though to watermark every picture I did and steal all my copyrights. Dragging my good real life friends into it too, they did nothing to you. It's just like Jane to impersonate me on Xanga too, fucking corpse-twat.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
1:20:00 AM
Fast Flushes: Pacione vs. The Rusty Nail, Piss Bloggers, yellow journalism
Friday, April 25, 2008
Now I Am Pissed. has a bunch of nazi book burning pieces of shit, now they torched Tabloid Purposes II -- you fucks are assholes. Do you think book burning is funny, I sure the fuck don't and whoever does needs to be dragged out and shot on site. Mother fuckers, I hope you douchefags die of AIDS for this one. I am thinking it's the same mother fucker who set torch to Tabloid Purposes IV. Michelle Lee if you think this shit is funny now, get the fuck out of this business and you're better off working at a McDonald's where people will treat you like shit more often. Doing book burnings on that is another example of piss blogging there. Fuck you for doing this shit and you should all burn in hell for thinking things like this are cool, especially the "father" who wants to set a good example for his daughter. Laughing about book burnings, I think that is a very bad example for your daughter and ExposeTheTard for being a good example of white trash. I am not going to stop doing these anthologies, or producing anthologies all together it just gives me more fuel to write about in my fiction and yes I will put Karen Koehler into the story as a Nazi bookburning bitch.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
11:11:00 PM
Fast Flushes: Pacione vs. Book Burners
Piss Bloggers
What is a piss blogger? It is similar to a yellow journalist, and I will explain more via video on here because I noticed someone said I am basically fair game because I got deemed a public figure now so are the assholes I am taking digs at too because the asshole that I took a dig at also had a book out there. His novel sucks ass too. But going back to what I said -- piss bloggers are the ones like ExposeTheTard and The Rusty Nail, a pair of cunts that go around violating every copyright imaginable just to get under someone's skin.
Also a Piss Blogger is someone who passes off lies as truth on a regular basis and quicker to convince people not to believe the person who the truth comes from. If you want to see what I am talking about with yellow journalism click on the link here. Piss Bloggers should have their computers taken away from them and not be anywhere near a computer. Some examples of Piss Blogging can be seen in the Chicago Gothic Community on LiveJournal when assholes would write slash stories of me and some fucking popstar I don't give a flying shit about. The cocksucker finally sounds off too, the little radio show "jockey" is showing his true colors. Goddamn piss blogging donut puncher.
It is often that kind of thing on a regular basis, fucks who went around and other piss blog fags going around in a smear brigade. Hey Brunca, did you have permission to run The Fandom Writer on I clearly didn't give you permission, fucking bitch. My fiction didn't carry a creative commons not now not ever. I also am using this particular entry to address the bitch known as Jane Beresford, does your work know the shit you're doing with myspace, blogspot, and wordpress? Copyright raping cunt, hey Jess Patrick keep your bitch on a short leash. I can get that accountant twat fired for this shit. Seems like the Douchefags have nothing better to do, but slam on me to no end. I guess they have no morality to them at all, so with that I tossed up this video as a response. I am waiting for them to do a response to this calling me an asshole, but I would rather be an asshole than a douchebag. All in all, dealing with piss bloggers especially when they are white trash.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
12:32:00 AM
Fast Flushes: asshole commitee, douchefaggory, go fuck yourself, livejournal vs. blogspot flamewars, observations, Pacione vs. The Rusty Nail, vlogging, white trash, yellow journalism
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Real Ownership of Black Death Books
Who are Black Death Books and KHP Industries? People would like to get the answer to that question and I will have it right here after a few months worth of research and the stalking one of the authors on roster did to a few of my friends over the years. I will blow the cover of both owners right here - and it is based out of Effort, PA.
The company is ran out of Karen Koehler and Todd Koehler’s house. A little bit of research on my part and the unprofessional practices Karen Koehler had done in the name of defending her business - smear brigades on a non-fiction book written by me called An Eye In Shadows, and trying to black out the publications that are produced by Lake Fossil Press.
I guess a few of you were waiting for the answer to that question for a long time, a “publishing consultant” is a fancy name for an owner. When I did a video that exposed her, the malice was going through her veins enough to set fire to a project that features 40 authors and 39 stories. I started to evaluate her actions against the small press especially against authors who work with places who operate via Lightning Source. Someone who believes that to harm none and do as they will, going and harming something done by a Christian. Kind of going backwards in history when you think about it, and I have to take this as a philosophical perspective of this.It goes back to one thing, a lack of professionalism within their ranks. Seeing something as this getting out there will blow it all open on them. Seeing what they’ve done to people via myspace, stalking real life friends to get the dirt on someone. I am asking, being that I used to date a lady who was a Wiccan. Doesn’t anything that come on someone good or bad come back on them times three?
A perspective I have will piss people off true, but I am presenting facts here about both Koehler and her brother - Koehler’s practices destroy any credibility that a publisher has. I don’t consider this article as baiting someone, but when they go around stalking real life friends and sometimes family it gets personal. My question here presented is this, why would someone who says they are with a paying publisher with all their books come out with a book every six months? It seems like when someone knows something, they are quicker to silence them or try to do something to a rival publication that encourages underhanded tactics.
People will say Koehler is an enigma especially when Black Death Books produce books of hers every six months, without a respective publishing history. It is kind of suspicious if you ask me, and one of those things I will ask - will she be willing to take a lie detector test to say she doesn’t own Black Death Books. I am willing to bet some of my short story sales that she fails the lie detector test as some would claim they are not two blogs but when you look at the posting style of two bloggers they are one in the same. Is this yellow journalism what I am doing, no - this was research on the company after I got burned by them. Slanderous with this article, not at all - do I like Karen Koehler? Not one bit, and the dislike is mutual.
The difference between her and the Gothic and what I do are very telltale, the difference is this I don’t play around with alternative religious Dogmas as a writer. I like to tap into the real madness that draws from society and knowing a friend of mine killed someone. It is things like that that make what I do a very different beast, and the nature of that beast scares the shit out of me sometimes. I sometimes ask if she can live with herself in the morning knowing she had attempted to ruin careers of upstart or authors who’ve been established by doing it themselves.
No scorched earth policies here just turning the world to ice and everywhere I walk is a fucking earthquake in my wake. I am just a son of a bitch in nature, and if someone crosses me - I get to be a bigger son of a bitch by the day. If I am going to expose someone for what they are, and piss me off enough - I will do just that. Just because I don’t embrace alternative religions, does that make me a evil bastard. In their eyes, they would see me as The Antichrist for doing so. I just been burned by the assholes who practice repeated uses of Yellow Journalism or Piss Blogging. They found themselves falling in the same company as losers like Encyclopedia Dramatica who don’t do their research on a person or do their research but twist the truth around. Convincing everyone in the wake that the truth they pass on someone is the gospel truth. The thing with this, people don’t like to think for themselves and when they see bullshit articles about the person they’re quicker to believe them before they get the actual source about the person from the person themselves.
I am giving a rather harsh observation about a few public personalities, one is over in PA and the other is local to Chicago. That person is a DJ that runs a venue on Lawrenece Ave in Chicago and hides behind a fake ass name because if he admits who he is people will say he likes to get fucked in the ass. I put this person in the same frame as Karen Koehler. I sometimes ask myself what was Karen Koehler like in high school, as in did everyone make fun of her because of her height.
She will go calling “Libel” and “Slander” because of this article but way I see it — consider this a mean way of picking someone’s brain. I am curious if she was raised a village idiot. She must be the Small Press version of Hilary Clinton, and thank god I vote Republican. I am also exposing the one that calls themselves The Rusty Nail and Expose The Tard in the same breath since they like to go around as two different people but the more I study their posting styles they are one in the same, and the sicker thing about it is this person seems to have multiple personalities. This is no smear brigade as they like to do or get off on doing. As in the bitch likes to steal my works and try to bastardize the creations that I worked years on.
There is a reason why An Eye In Shadows was written, and people like The Rusty Nail, Karen Koehler and Expose The Tard are truly afraid of the reasons this book is out there - books like this will always be out there and yes this might be on a hard drive somewhere on the world wide web but there are assholes who are trying to post the book on torrents everywhere thinking something like that was meant to be available for free, sorry but something like that is never meant to be out there for free. But when they pass the lies off as facts - that is the thing that I will get vocal about, and seeing someone who’ve been a prick to me for so long, it will come back and bite them in the ass. The ones who are slamming me and saying that I can’t write, those are the ones who are scared the most about what I am about to become.The difference between her and the Gothic and what I do are very telltale, the difference is this I don’t play around with alternative religious Dogmas as a writer. I like to tap into the real madness that draws from society and knowing a friend of mine killed someone. It is things like that that make what I do a very different beast, and the nature of that beast scares the shit out of me sometimes. I sometimes ask if she can live with herself in the morning knowing she had attempted to ruin careers of upstart or authors who’ve been established by doing it themselves.
No scorched earth policies here just turning the world to ice and everywhere I walk is a fucking earthquake in my wake. I am just a son of a bitch in nature, and if someone crosses me - I get to be a bigger son of a bitch by the day. If I am going to expose someone for what they are, and piss me off enough - I will do just that. Just because I don’t embrace alternative religions, does that make me a evil bastard. In their eyes, they would see me as The Antichrist for doing so. I just been burned by the assholes who practice repeated uses of Yellow Journalism or Piss Blogging.
They found themselves falling in the same company as losers like Encyclopedia Dramatica who don’t do their research on a person or do their research but twist the truth around. Convincing everyone in the wake that the truth they pass on someone is the gospel truth. The thing with this, people don’t like to think for themselves and when they see bullshit articles about the person they’re quicker to believe them before they get the actual source about the person from the person themselves.
I am giving a rather harsh observation about a few public personalities, one is over in PA and the other is local to Chicago. That person is a DJ that runs a venue on Lawrenece Ave in Chicago and hides behind a fake ass name because if he admits who he is people will say he likes to get fucked in the ass. I put this person in the same frame as Karen Koehler. I sometimes ask myself what was Karen Koehler like in high school, as in did everyone make fun of her because of her height.
She will go calling “Libel” and “Slander” because of this article but way I see it — consider this a mean way of picking someone’s brain. I am curious if she was raised a village idiot. She must be the Small Press version of Hilary Clinton, and thank god I vote Republican. I am also exposing the one that calls themselves The Rusty Nail and Expose The Tard in the same breath since they like to go around as two different people but the more I study their posting styles they are one in the same, and the sicker thing about it is this person seems to have multiple personalities. This is no smear brigade as they like to do or get off on doing. As in the bitch likes to steal my works and try to bastardize the creations that I worked years on. I am sometimes wondering if she uses money from her books to buy smack or pot. I am sure you can find a few needle tracks on her.
There is a reason why An Eye In Shadows was written, and people like The Rusty Nail, Karen Koehler and Expose The Tard are truly afraid of the reasons this book is out there - books like this will always be out there and yes this might be on a hard drive somewhere on the world wide web but there are assholes who are trying to post the book on torrents everywhere thinking something like that was meant to be available for free, sorry but something like that is never meant to be out there for free. But when they pass the lies off as facts - that is the thing that I will get vocal about, and seeing someone who’ve been a prick to me for so long, it will come back and bite them in the ass. The ones who are slamming me and saying that I can’t write, those are the ones who are scared the most about what I am about to become.
Give me about ten years and having the first novel out there, that is when they’ll get nervous because their books are the ones collecting dust on bookshelves in Barnes and Noble or Borders Bookstore. I don’t see any her her books in a bookstore like that, and if I did I would know who to avoid. I see people like her in the same light as the asshole who ran the webzine that hasn’t got much activity since he was evicted off of the site. Right now, I stick to writing short stories and novellas. Fucked up little thing when you think about it, no one asked to end up living a real life version of The Chocolate War. The industry is going to be painted as something of that nature, when you refuse to play by their rules it is like them trying to force you to sell their chocolate when you told them in a very direct way to fuck off.
When the truth is out there about KHP Industries and Black Death Books, there will be questions being asked of them directly as in is it true they published their own work every six months? It must suck to be getting people to believe you don’t own the company when in truth you do. The truth is something that will be the noose hanging around both their necks. It is an ugly thing to see and the ugly thing they don’t want people to know it’s there. I actually put two and two together years ago, and the reason I haven’t sent e-mails to the publisher because I knew it was her brother.
“How did you find all this out?” I can see this question being presented to me.
It is something I learned from reading Consumer Reports years ago as a kid, research the company before you bought something from them - if they smell like shit, walk away. It is things like this that I don’t call yellow journalism on my part, it is called research. I did a punch up of the domain on and that is how I figured it out that Black Death Books and KHP Industries are owned by Karen and Todd Koehler. I am just giving Koehler a better reason to hate my guts than to just stalk my friends to no end. Basically the question is how far will she go to hide the masquerade about her company not being hers.
I am going to get e-mails and comments about this, people calling me a flat out asshole for doing so or asking me, “Why don’t I just follow the rules and try not to expose someone.”
It’s in my nature, if I hate someone and know something is there that could blow the doors wide open about their operations I am going to crackdown on them. Not letting someone gain a readership because they put a book out themselves, that is a bigger sin than what they’ve done - and by setting fire to a book and posting it on video is about as bad as killing someone I think. The question will be now is Karen Koehler willing to take a lie detector test to prove her and her brother don’t own Black Death Books?
I don’t believe in Karma or anything like that but I do believe in the saying, “Fuck my world once, I will fuck yours twice over.”
I’ve seen people on message boards get unprofessional too and they are professional authors, but when my name is mentioned all professionalism goes to fuck. In closing if you’re going to be underhanded in your publishing practices be prepared to be shaken down or taken down in the process.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
9:39:00 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
It shows that ExposetheTard and The Rusty Nail are the one person because when one posts, it is not too far behind the conjoined twins will start posting too. The recent posting she did that was an open letter to long time friends of mine was what shows right there. She will stop at nothing to sabotage something -- the Rusty Nail and Expose the Tard aka Jane Beresford. This is your final warning. Either cease from all activity or be shut down by force. It's that simple. There's no forcing a perminate hitatus out of me, it won't happen now. You'd love to see that happen but it won't and this is where you failed. It seems like Jane Beresford has multiple personalities and all of them are more evil than the last. Aka Trawlingfrog aka Samyoung05, yes these are all you. I do know who you are now and it pisses you off all the more now, the more determined you are -- and the more willing you get to steal copyrighted material.
It seemed like your highest ambition in life is to make someone's life a living hell. Personally I think you need to burn for it. It pisses me off to no end you're willing to stalk my family and my friends to get your accomplishment. Stop at nothing to document my every fail, but that is where you're going to fail. Rusty Nail is a parasite. It seemed that the blog is determined to stalk three other authors too and they did nothing to the person except being respectful with me. It also seems like everything you do -- including trying to put my name up on years ago, that looks like something you'd pull too. Libelous on my part with this blog no. I am just putting it all out there, the fact you were going to play guess my phone number again with another number that isn't listed. You did this upon my nonfiction book coming out, and that was when ExposetheTard came to the scene.
Scary to think someone the same age as my mother going around stalking me and trying to destroy someone 15 years their junior. It is a crock of shit on their part.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
12:47:00 PM
You are not a fan McKeeman
"The only thing I am doing is publishing the letters from him on my blog as I am a huge fan of Mr. Pacione and would like to see him get the recognition he so dearly desires and deserves"
I will say this right now, you're just a pompus asshole doing another smear brigade. I might had made fun of your book but goddamn, you're going to stop at nothing and that will become your downfall yet again. Do you want to risk your job at Tribe with all of this you're doing? That is a flat out lie that you said on your journal. You were never a fan you fat fuck, you detested everything I did from day one and that became the thing that lost your gig with I call BULLSHIT on your part, and yes that is bullshit. It's called pissing in my cornflakes. I am not a complete public figure yet but assholes like you have no respect for my privacy as it is, yourself, The Rusty Nail, that fag called Peter Barnes, Ben Carlos (what ever the fuck he calls himself,) and the losers who are trying to suceed in my fail which they will fail in doing.
Fans encourage people to buy the books instead of doing posts that say "Warn the world" about the book and tell people not to buy them. Don't you remember that little post on the site when you "owned" it? If I remember right you loser you lost that too, and personally I will not buy your book because I really think it's not worth the paper it is printed on.
You sir, are not a fan. I will say that right now. You're in that same club of assholes who post on The Other Dark Place. You sir are a parasite. A fat fuck loser who is providing a shitty example for their daughter. I would hate to imagine what his daughter would turn out like in 13 years, thinking it is fine to treat people like shit and picturing her a pompus bitch just like her father. That is being a shitty father.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
11:48:00 AM
Fast Flushes: McKeeman vs. Pacione: The Rematch., observations, smart ass remarks, white trash
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Someone's busted out.
HA -- someone just got busted out. Koehler is still a vanity publisher no matter the way people look at it. I guess she was mad because I busted her out on too but she got that deleted. I would love to imagine her on the other end of the computer knowing her empire is crumbling down. The asshole had tried to bully me into giving up all creative properties of the non-fiction book I wrote because I knew there was something in there that would end up busting her out, and I got more information that I will be willing to throw up on craigslist too, and trying to see if there is someone out there willing to race her Delorean on PINKS. I need someone who has a Grand National to do it. She loses the race, everything will be tossed up there that Black Death Books is a vanity press. Is it true you still self-publish your books? I did the research and I know the answer to that question.
Koehler the biggest secret of your publishing company is out, you're a self-publisher with your own books so you want to actually keep hiding the fact you still self-publish your books, or you want to back off everything I've done. Either back off what I do, or this secret will be put out to the HWA. You're busted lady, your whole family is busted.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
6:33:00 PM
More Bullshit Stalking Accusations
Seems like Black-Bunghole69 been at it again on his blog, and accusing me of stalking his kid when I didn't do that. I called Him the kiddie jock. His radio site nothing to write home about so I am not even going to give the moron a link back. I will say this much the bunghole. They are trying to pull the all your base belongs to us bit, and seems like I can't say anything on here without having it twisted around to make me out to be a liar. Let me point you down to a little video I did awhile back and though it might not have sound, it will say two words loud and clear.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
5:05:00 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
To The Collective of Ignorant Faggots
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Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
4:30:00 PM
Fast Flushes: DJ Pathogen; King of the Idiots, Subculture War
Brite and McKeeman... a kind suggestion....
Fuck off. I am definately going to buy you that lifejacket now. You're nothing but a bitch, and this proved it. Besides the point -- I don't like the whole angle you respresent. I find it utterly repulsive. In fact -- I am tossing this video up as a response to that litle blog entry. Somewhere in San Fran you're sitting there smoking your legal doobie. What the hell have you written lately you fat schmuck? Nothing. So shut the fuck up when I sold work to magazines. IT is clear I became a little more accomplished since we last clashed but it is always fun to take jabs at my favorite punching bag (McKeeman. Still a Pompus asshole.)
I don't think you have the balls to say some of the things you say on your blog about me to my face. I guess he didn't like the fact I left a really shitty review of his novel. It is my turn to warn the world and his low blowbrow tatic if using the bullshit website that twists the truth around as fact is what pissed me off all the more. What kind of example are you setting for your daughter, that it's okay to mess with people and stifle their career. I got enough dirt on you that I will make public if you keep trying to fuck with my work. Mark my words asshole I will make them public.
All the shit you're posting on your blog again is opening another world of hurt for you and your career. The fact that I am busy working on two to three manuscripts at once, what is your fucking excuse. The fact you're willing to post a libelous website that violated my copyrights shows what kind of person you are exactly. A very shitty excuse of a human being I will make the observation of. Really what have you written lately? The problem with you is that you're too willing to ruin someone's career especially if they ran a rival publication. Poppy you can shut up too for that matter -- I saw the posts about you wanting to sue me for the non-fiction book. Have you even read the book or House of Spiders 3 for that matter? Oh that's right you're busy eating Karen Koehler's ass out.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
1:10:00 AM
Fast Flushes: McKeeman vs. Pacione: The Rematch.
More "love letters" Fuck you Bitch.
From: (e-mail is posted for those who want to send the sad cunt hate mail.)
"Please don't post any of this. PLEASE I beg of you. Don't post the last email on any of your sites please.
I am posting more of the e-mail exchanges from The Rusty Nail. Since she liked to get off on stealing all mf my work I am going to show the twat a little payback. My Response to this will be in video too when. I am proving Expose The Tard and Rusty Nail to be liars. They want to document every fail, I will see to it they will fail in what they were doing.
"Nick stop. I give up.Can't we work this out? Knowing who I am is victory enough, isn't it? You win please don't."I just want you to die. You stalked my extended family and long times friends, you are fucked.
So you found me out. Understandably I am upset. Can't we just drop all of this? Kate wasn't behind it, it was just me. So I will stop just don't post anymore about me.
If you post this email that I just sent you I'd be embarrassed beyond belief so let's stop the fighting ok? Please don't post this I beg of you."
FUCK YOU. I want everything you did on Encyclopedia Dramatica gone! Tough Shit Bitch! I would rather see you dead in your bathtub with the television in the tub. You're right there with Darren McKeeman and Bruncha Myers on this one. All of you are cunts. I will say this much -- Hate mail will be posted. Cunt you're the equal to DJ Pathogen, and yes I put Pathogen right there with you in that department. No Dice -- One Eared FUCK.
Pathogen, that is the LAST time you will ever think burning books is a joke. You are a joke you fat fuck.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
12:48:00 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Asshole Chimes In
"I am NOT a one eared freak you fucking asshole. At least I can drive a car and have sex FUCK YOU for saying that shit"
I guess between THe Rusty Nail and Expose the Tard, I am dealing with a virtual one-eared, two-headed freak. (She has sex as in giving her mother a suckjob.) I noticed asshole chimes in again. I guess the kiddie jock endorses the fact that someone violates copyrights on a regular basis by stealing all my old work and posting it on their blog without my permission. Then watermarking my old artwork and photographs too like they were theirs to do that with. I even found new information that could bring one of his friends down in the process but I guess I will keep that to myself for now. Especially when I am close to busting out The Rusty Nail aka Jane Beresfield, it all points back to this bitch too. Jess Patrick keep your bitch on a short leash. My work didn't carry a Creative Commons either. My work will never be creative commons either.
There's more where that came from but I won't mention the information right now because I don't want to lose the thunder I gained. I will also say this much the person who thought burning my book is funny, that makes you equal to Adolf Hilter when he burned H.G. Wells' books. I will say this much, when it comes to the horror literary territory what kind of writers would you support the kind who taint the genre by writing an alternative sex fringe or authors who try to preserve the way it was meant to be. I am not mentioning the brat who blasted on me in a forum here but I will put those kind of authors on spot here. I will say this I am glad I didn't include the flaming fruitloop in the anthology now because he would have tainted the series. Those of you who didn't get the referrence I will say it a way midwesterners know it -- aka a fudgepacker.
You pompus assholes can take this either way, but you can take your opinions and your false truths about me, then shove them sideways up your ass. I have my opinions and I defend my published works on a regular basis just because too many assholes like to discredit the publications no matter what I do. They can take their Poppy Z. Brite novels and shove them up their ass too, but then again the ones who have a very hostile opinion of me would get off on fisting each other. The fact that some assholes have actively tried to alienate my good friends, and this really had me pissed off to no end. I am busy hammering away on two manuscripts but seems like they want to drag my name through dogshit as usual.
The industry these days it's not about the author's merit anymore, it's about who's dick they suck or whose ass they fuck. I wouldn't want to get anywhere near those losers who did that to get where they are because they would smell too much like ass. They thought it was funny they managed to get one video closed down but I will say this much there will be more to that video, and yeah I noticed what one of them had tried to do actively. I am waiting for that loserette to post on LiveJournal about it. Michelle Lee, I know you're lying about laughing about that video of my book being torched. I know that Jodi Lee must been laughing about it, and in that it makes the sow a shitty human being.
How did I find out that Jane Beresfield is the bitch behind the fraud domain name, I did some research and punched up who she was. See I have my weapons to find things out. I have a hobby that people don't know about and it's called skiptracing. I learned this from having family members who are bill collectors. Seeing them do skiptracing for a living I made it a hobby. I am putting two and two together, Jane Beresfield is also Expose The Tard. I am also chiming on about the posts that are devoted for making me look like the bad guy on there -- yes I am addressing the fuckstains on Stupid Free here. Knowing one of them would be wandering over to this blog and yes I am referring to the cunt behind Belfry Inc over here too. Never underestimate white trash in numbers, and a Bitch In The Belfry. It also seems like "promoter" DJ Pathogen thought the idea of someone torching my book is funny. Fucking asshole. I have to ask does he suck his mother's cock with his mouth.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
4:41:00 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Oh Benny-FaG, you fucking Cockroach!
You're begging for a death wish little boy, I think you lost something and if you keep encouraging people to steal my books I will go one step further to get you fired from your job. I bet your job has cockroaches crawling around in the nuts maybe some rat droppings. Unless you took a shit in one of the pecan boxes and sent them to a customer that you didn't like. I don't think your job would like that too much the fact you took a steamer in one of the purchases. I don't think that was pecans in the box or passed off as chocolate covered pecans.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
1:04:00 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Book Burning Rant: Part II
Looks like a Children's Radio DJ decided to pick a fight with me on -- the little bastard thought it was cool for my book to get used for firewood so to speak. I guess I should link the little ass' myspace here and ExposeTheTard is working overtime now in stealing every damn thing I have now. I guess the bastard's been smoking crack for his terminal illness. Looks like I picked up another stalker too and I will go on record with this schmuck too, also seems like ExposeThetArd is intended on stealing more than my work for this little "book" he's putting out there. I will actually go to court for this book not to happen, and will put him on spot right now. I will take the mother fucker to hell for it. If anyone sees this son of a bitch walking around Chicago you have my permission to shove him face first into the Chicago River.
Trying to destroy my focus and writing harassing e-mails to long time friends, GOD THE FUCK DAMN YOU! I guess it is safe to say no matter what submission call I will do these assholes want to force me into a hitatus but not happening. I am not even giving them that victory. I guess you assholes made it clear you support book burnings. THat is the ultimate form of censorship and you assholes proceed to censor me for what I have an opinion that is very unpopular in this day and age. You assholes burned an anthology by various authors, and authors you said were friends of yours too at one point. Ray Bradbury had the right idea on this one.
If you assholes want to burn books you might as well burn all of Poppy Z. Brite's books. (Personally I would support a book burning on.) But this is an example of the far left not learning from history her. What point you assholes are going to prove by setting a torch to Tabloid Purposes IV. I was expecting something like this out of McKeeman, but his book is self-published too. I personally want to beat the living shit out of the asshole who did the video that was posted above because burning a book is the ultimate crime you can do to a writer on top of trying to destroy their career. Urinating on a printed out page that is the cover of the third Tabloid Purposes is one thing, and pissing on my photo then video taping it but setting a book on fire. THen saying you didn't pay the money for the book, you're going to piss a lot of people off for posting that video. What these schmucks are afraid of really, that I would get a reader who likes my work or the anthologies I edit? I guess the fuckstain from Kentucky is going to go around telling people to hate my guts. This is not freedom of speech, this book burning is a true to form hate crime.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
6:29:00 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Whoever did the video setting fire to Tabloid Purposes....
You're a piece of shit and you're also the same piece of shit who've been passing around the "Nickolaus Pacione Tribute: R.I.P. Video." Really I haven't blogged on here because I've been busy working on two manuscripts. I know Karen Koehler is trying to alienate a good friend of mine with me too which isn't cool either. I think that she's the person who is behind the torching of Tabloid Purposes IV. Nazi Bastards who think it's funny to do that. They think they would ruin my focus because of that shit, It has The Other Dark Place's stink all over it. The fact that Koehler had tried to sabotage one of my anthologies as it is, and thinking it is funny to give a malicious review of one of my books on another site. Really that is something I'd expect more from my ex-fiancee but the personality the Effort Whore has is my ex-room mate Crazy Michelle and my ex rolled into one (their nastier personalities appear in Koehler's so I would hate if they were all to go into a diner together and had a coffee.)
All seriousness the people who are cowardly enough to torch the book really must follow the teachings of the Hilter Youth. Stealing my work, trying to convice everyone that I died, and now you fags take a blowtorch to my books -- you're assholes in the every process of the word. I can now say Koehler, Keene, Sangiovanni, Michelle Lee, and Bob Freeman support burning books. That little stunt made you all the equivelant of NAZIS. Michelle Lee you're just as guilty as they are here too. Let me ask this question -- would you have personally lit the match if someone came in and said they bought the book and enjoyed it. That is a felony on camera.
Koehler and her little lackeys are a prime example of what the modern day version of the Hilter Youth would act like. The person who did that video is a fucking Nazi by any standard. So is that schmuck who calls himself TransgressiveFiction on youtube. That's right I will also say this of The Other Dark Place too -- they are hilter youth. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were torching books by authors who don't support what they support either. I think it is very insulting for someone to do that and it is downright offensive. Then the fag, ExposeTheTard steals more content from my site, what a piece of shit.
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
4:11:00 PM