Bastards still won't learn. Two words "buy print" when it comes to indy press books. There is one master here and I am controlling the strings and I will continue to promote that non-fiction book plus put all the surface of all the cyber-bullying that's been going on. The fact being that some would go as far to impersonate me for one, steal copyrighted works. You didn't create the story or do the photograph, the only thing that you have the right to do is spend the money on it. My work of contraband is available for purchase. There will be an anthology that will be coming soon and submissions will be opened up to only people who've been bullied by Encyclopedia Dramatica. I am not talking the far left or those who are actually dicksuckers, but I am looking for the regular people who've been harassed by such sites without end. I am looking to get this anthology in the hands of Illinois legislature so they can see what kind of shit these people are doing and see if there could get a law passed for cyber-harassment and impersonation, impostor journals are bullshit. There should be a law against it.. RJ Sevin you fucked up by stealing my photos, no book sales for you asshole. I think they're mad because I am talking back my pictures one by one -- the fact I am taking back means I am the right full owners so get your grubby shit covered fingers off my intellectual properties unless you bought the book.