The fucker created a domain trying to mislead people from my company. Anyone wants to send this pig raping faggot hate mail they can do so at the address above. Publishers -- do not take submissions from this person. He's set out to destroy Lake Fossil Press. My company's been around six years and I am not about to let some faggot ruin the company. If he wants to start a fight, he's got one now. I will see to it every publisher will not publish any of his manuscripts. Prepare to die asshole because your work is going to die with you. Welcome to the wall of shame you fucking goat raping piece of shit.
You don't own me motherfucker -- you're in my fucking crosshairs you pigraping son of a bitch. People like you make me sick, and if you're trying to tell people your the owner of Lake Fossil Press. I will see to it that the industry skullfucks you out of the business.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Fucking Faggot is trying to hold Lake Fossil Press hostage
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
6:10:00 PM
Fast Flushes: wall of shame