It will be almost a year since I started GAME OVER, when they get up there I can only write in bursts of 400 words at a time when it gets higher in the word counts. I am still creating the graphics for, and I got my flesh and blood proof for the namesake anthology. Whoever does malicious tags now will have their account disabled from I brought this crap to the staff's attention and especially when I am waiting for two flesh and bloods of Issue 12, one person decided to do a malicious tag and Brian Keene appeared on anotehr social networking site as "Todd Hollis."
That was something the cocksucker did when had the original horror message boards upon when I released Tabloid Purposes 2. My new location for An Author's Blog is I am thinking about getting a third domain for this blog because it's became something akin to what I had when I had The Ethereal Journal when that was on It's been two weeks since took The Crusty Rail and An Authors Blog down because of ongoing conflicts. I just found out how disrespectful and dishonorable Brian Keene is because now he wants to do an anthology called Writings From The Grave, and calling his book Lake Fossil. I am trying to get an injunction about getting this stopped.
Hate the person all they want, but leave something that's their signature story alone or a website the person been indentified with alone too. I am now thinking of going after his Hail Saten name, but going as "Fuck Saten." This is up there when he had his hissy fit about Shocklines carrying House of Spiders 3. I am going to put this out myself as a two pack book or just include the novella in The Ethereal Gazette: Issue 13. I am still working to get Issue 11 finished up and ready for press. I am still writing up the press releases for Issue 12. I found out that there was a typo in the TOC and went back and fixed this. I will be doing the same with Issue 10 too.
That flaming faggot, Marc Lyth, took his anger out on Collectives along with the hasbeen Lame Goat Press' Wild Weasel. Anyone who was left high and dry with Lame Goat Press, Lake Fossil Press and will be glad to help these authors become DYIs. I always believe in the do it yourself ethic because that was something my family instilled on me when I used to help with the home improvement projects at our home in Glendale Heights. At the end of my freshmen year we painted the whole house from a puke tan to a blood red. I remember the old english C on the garage door and we used to have a basketball hoop hanging from it. Until the fucking neighbor's kid did a Shaq and tore the hoop down. This might be funny for Shaq but not for us because a basketball hoop isn't cheap in the 1980s.
I actually wished I owned a basketball at the apartment because I found out that Justice had the largest basketball court in the south side (over 18 basketball back boards.) I didn't really blog that much from the apartment because I was busy editing and writing at the time. I was editing Issue Four from the apartment and then doing Tabloid Purposes 3. I was working from three computers at the time. I started the current and published version of An Eye In Shadows when I was living in Justice, Shawn was able to save all my files on a CD-R related to that era. It was a Godsend because when I was reworking the namesake anthology, I actually took the master copy of Ghosts In The Tornado and pasted it into the anthology again.
I am working on a new short story, but I am not saying the title because I don't want that faggot stealing the name and the story. Robert Baupader is anotehr David Boyer, and I exposed him as this. I also noticed he did something unconstitutional when he decided to make my private facebook postings public. They subscribe to this "You have no privacy you fucking crazy person" mentality when I am telling the truth about everything. That is one of the reasons I keep all the publisher's idenities a secret until after the publications are long in print or just released to print. I noticed that the faceless troll calling herself HorrorGal did a malicious review of my magazine's twelveth issue also. I am trying to find out who did she harass to get a copy.
I also noticed that the everlasting cocksucker, Scott Colbert, also had a hand in trying to sabotage sales of my publications. Does he realize he's sabotaging his friend's sales? I guess someone like that really doesn't give a fuck as long he's going to burn in hell in the end. Same with his allies who go around pissing on other Christian writers when they profess to be Christians. I found out that son of a bitch's last name so I am using it in GAME OVER. There is a death in the novella that I got inspiration from when I used to watch Ren and Stimpy. I told one other person about this one, and I am going to keep it like that for now. Let's just say each death is very aggressive in parts. Some deaths actually came out of the brawl scenes. With GAME OVER -- there are scenes in the story I am going to say hello from the gutter.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
progress on the new
Posted By
Nickolaus Pacione
10:46:00 AM
Fast Flushes: fuck saten, life in general, writing life